Today I’d like to chat with you about GOD, the supernatural, art in general, and the gift of art.
As I began to write, I asked, “How much of myself should I share with you?” I received my answer by asking GOD to show me what will serves HIS will. GOD’s answer to my question was, “Do not be like Peter and hear the cock crow” Alright! I will open the door wide and testify fully.
GOD has audibly spoken to me, and we have had many two-way conversations as you would expect with any personal relationship. I am not special, nor is audible communication from GOD rare. It may be uncommon, but many people have heard GOD audibly speak directly to them. Let me be blunt: If you believe GOD does not exist, you have made a grave error. However, I am not trying to convert you. I am just offering my first-hand experience of communication with GOD, and letting you know that this personal relationship is available to all.
GOD is _______. You can fill in the blank, but please remember that “is” is a verb. GOD is supernatural. This means that the physical laws of our reality do not restrict or conform to GOD. By now you’re probably asking, “What does this have to do with Mike Boatman being an artist?” It’s simple. I’m not the most creative artist. In fact, my greatest photographic images were visions given to me by GOD when my own talent failed. It’s very humbling to know that you’re not the true author of your greatest works.
Side Note: For any defense attorneys that may be reading this, as research for your client’s defense of copyright infringement … I indeed push the shutter. Because GOD showed me a vision of the image, in my mind GOD is morally the ultimate author. Legally, I’m the owner in accordance with copyright law.
For those of you that do not know me, I’m a commercial advertising photographer. As such, most of my images are for commercial use, and they directly impact the financial well-being of my clients. GOD has taken an active role using me as an instrument to further his will and because GOD directs my artistry, it keeps me humble.
Here are a few images created from visions by GOD.
Gospel quartet group named Images. For the full story about that shoot, please visit my earlier blog titled, “GOD, Blessings and Copyrights”.
The following images are from assignments with Anna Lattimore Designer in Memphis, Tennessee. I love working with Anna because I can feel GOD’s presence and guidance on virtually every image. GOD is truly blessing Anna.
Anna is not the only client with whom I feel the presence of GOD and supernatural guidance when working. Kim Rice of R Design in Kansas City, Kansas is another equally blessed designer. And I can’t leave out Cheryl Lee Smith. I think GOD especially smiles on her.

Cheryl Lee Smith
In addition, GOD clearly influences my work for At Home Memphis & Mid South Magazine which is owned and published by Margaret Monger.
These are just a few examples of the incredible people GOD is blessing. I’m privileged to be part of it and thankful that GOD assists me on every image.
I’ve written about this in the past, and its even part of my sales presentation: I experience a state of complete spiritual happiness whenever I look through the camera lens. It doesn’t matter whether I’m photographing a supermodel or a can of pork and beans! The surrealistic state of happiness is always present. What I’ve never explained before is that this sensation of complete peace, joy and happiness is because of the presence of GOD in the form of the Holy Ghost.
Please don’t conclude that I have figured out some supernatural secret about how to call forth powers like a genie in a bottle. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating now: I’m not special, and this is available to everyone. Please let me elaborate.
GOD’s will, will be done. It’s a simple sentence and has been quoted many times. But the significance and the power of this should not be overlooked. There is nothing that can prevent GOD’s will from being done.

Meredith Garrison / Night Dancing
If there is a “secret”, it is first and foremost to align yourself with GOD’s will. The simplest things are sometimes the hardest to do, but it starts with the choice. The choice is up to you.
But before we get carried away with the big events, like parting the Red Sea, let me tell you a true story. Early in my career things weren’t going the way I felt and thought they should. By this time GOD had invested in me a ton of growth and knowledge. I knew GOD wanted me to be a photographer, so why in the world was my career stalled? I was so frustrated that I screamed my disappointment to GOD and asked him, “What are You thinking? And why have You invested so much in me to have me twiddling my thumbs?”
GOD said to me, “Today and today only, I will show you my purpose.”
I say it again: I am not special! What GOD showed me that day is true for all of us even though, like me, at the time you may not recognize it.
During that day, every time I did something where GOD had a hand in it, He spoke and explained to me the purpose of what just happened and why. That’s correct. GOD was working in my life no less than 15 times during that single day as I went about doing common things, everyday things. I wasn’t parting the Red Sea, walking on water or any other grandiose event … just living my life.
At the end of the day, I was walking out of the post office. Without looking back, I held the door so it wouldn’t slam into the person following me. He said, “Thank you.” I said, “You’re welcome, Sir.” As he started to walk off, I saw him hesitate and start to turn back, then continue to walk. Again, he stopped and hesitated. The third time, he turned and approached me. It was at this moment I realized that he was a homeless man, a Skid Row bum with tears running down his face. When he came up to me, he looked through his tears and said, “Thank you. No one’s called me Sir in 15 years.” He then turned and walked away.
GOD’s voice exploded in my head, and it was the final time on that day that GOD spoke with me. GOD said, “Michael, it’s not what you do it’s how you do it.” I understood from that moment forward that everything I do is an opportunity to choose GOD’s will. Maybe that’s the meaning of “fighting the good fight”, choosing every time, every day to be a representation of GOD and asking to be made part of His will. It’s a choice … your choice and mine.
My personal relationship with GOD has led me to create incredible images and develop wonderful relationships. Therefore, at the beginning of this blog I said that if you do not believe in GOD, you’re making a grave error. May I suggest that you consider the possibility of a personal relationship by opening your mind and your heart. It starts with a choice.
If you have any questions, feel free to put them in the comments or email me.
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